Our 2024 Homecoming Court!   Kindergarten Crownbearers: Elise Schofield and Tomas Burfeind Queen Candidates (L to R): Kendyl Lodermeier, Kaelynn Ryan, Kate Carlson, Carly Matthees, Avy Agenten,  and Jr Attendent, Sofie Lodermeier King Candidates: (L to R): Caleb Kurtti, Nate Beck, Sean Matthees, Jacob Ryan, Lincoln Ryan and Jr Attendent, Michael Roschen

Homecoming Week Sept. 30th-Oct. 4th

Homecoming Week Sept. 30th-Oct. 4th

Monday, Sept. 30 -

8:45am - Boys Jr. v. Sr. Boys VB match (Srs. v. Staff to follow)

12:20 pm - Lunch (6-12)  Middle School dismiss at 11:45

12:50 pm - Report to 6th Hr. for attendance - Dismiss at 1:10 to FB field

1:30pm - Powderpuff game begins

3:00pm- - Middle School back to Advisors. High School dismissed

6:30pm - Coronation - Gym #1

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday = Normal School Days

4:30pm Cross Country at Cannon Falls

Volleyball at Stewartville

Friday, October 4th

10:45am - Parade

11:15am - Bag Lunch (serving lunch until 11:30)

12:05pm - Students report to 6th hour for 20 min

12:30pm - 6-12 Pep Fest (led by Royalty)

1:30pm - Varsity VB Match Begins (vs Rushford-Peterson) 

** Students are dismissed following the VB match

7:00pm - Varsity Football vs Wabasha Kellogg

8:45 pm-10:30 pm- Homecoming Dance