Mrs. Mangan
attendance matters clip art
Our 2024 Homecoming Court!   Kindergarten Crownbearers: Elise Schofield and Tomas Burfeind Queen Candidates (L to R): Kendyl Lodermeier, Kaelynn Ryan, Kate Carlson, Carly Matthees, Avy Agenten,  and Jr Attendent, Sofie Lodermeier King Candidates: (L to R): Caleb Kurtti, Nate Beck, Sean Matthees, Jacob Ryan, Lincoln Ryan and Jr Attendent, Michael Roschen
State Bowling
Envirothon Team- Going to state
foggy trees
Goodhue FF Chapter at State Convention
students with donated microscopes
Drive your tractor to school - April 12th. Permission slips are due on April 11th
Prom 2024